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How to book a survey as a home buyer

March 2022 | By Esurv Staff

Your step-by-step guide to buying a house

Our eight-step home buyer’s journey is designed to guide you through the process and answer some of the questions you may have. You can also email us with any questions or call us free of charge on 0800 169 9661. We continue our eight-step journey with everything you need to know about arranging both a valuation and a survey.

Step four: Arranging a valuation and a survey

So, you’ve found a property you’d like to buy, but you can’t proceed until you’ve had a valuation. It’s important to remember that a valuation is not the same thing as a survey. But why do you need either?

Before agreeing to lend you the money to buy your property, your mortgage lender will want to ensure:

  • that you can afford to make the repayments–what is your income compared with the value of the loan you’re requesting?
  • that you will pay –what is your record of repaying loans?
  • that the property is worth more than the loan.

For these reasons, mortgage lenders require a property valuation.

Buying a house is likely to be one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make so before you commit, you must make sure:

  • that you can afford their payments on the loan –what’s your income compared with the loan amount?
  • that you can pay –what is your experience of repaying loans?
  • that the property is worth the asking price, and that you are aware of any repairs that need to be made

For these reasons, homebuyers need surveys.

Your fourth step on the homebuyer’s journey is therefore to instruct a valuation and survey of the property you’re thinking of buying.

Remember, just as a lender won’t lend without a valuation, a buyer shouldn’t agree on a price without a survey.

If you haven’t already, look at our product comparison guide to find out which survey report is right for you and your circumstances.

To book a survey, or for free advice on which survey to choose, please give us a call on 0800 169 9661.

To continue your home buyer’s journey, read step five: Agreeing on a price

Any questions? Get in touch

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