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Making an offer on a home & agreeing a price

March 2022 | By Esurv Staff

Your step-by-step guide to buying a house: making an offer on a home

Our eight-step home buyer’s journey is designed to guide you through the process and answer some of the questions you may have. You can also email us with any questions or call us free of charge on 0800 169 9661.

We continue our eight-step journey with everything you need to know about agreeing on a price.

Step five: Agree on a price

Once you’ve agreed on a price with the seller, and the terms of your mortgage loan with your lender, it’s over to your solicitor who will act on your behalf to:

  • Check with the Land Registry that the property exists
  • Check with the Charges Registry to identify if there is an existing charge over the property e.g. from an existing mortgage lender or finance lender. There may be more than one charge on the property
  • Ensure legal title for the lender i.e. the lender is paid back first
  • Receive the loan from the new lender
  • Pay the previous lender (if one exists)
  • Pay the balance to the vendor or builder.

To continue your home buyer’s journey, read step six: Finding a solicitor

Any questions? Get in touch

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