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Surveyor Diaries: Sarah – ‘My First Month’

January 2020 | By Esurv Staff

It’s been a busy first month for #SarahSurveyor, as she begins to realise her dreams of become a residential surveyor.

In the space of a month, she’s managed to experience everything from Cornish units to Japanese knotweed, with the odd dawn chorus and plenty of private study and group workshops. We managed to get hold of her diary (Ssssh!) from her first month and it’s fair to say, her excitement is palpable.

7 October

It’s been a long time coming but today, I finally joined the Surveying world today, my first day today as a Trainee Surveyor. 

Even though I’ve worked for e.surv for the past two years, I was really looking forward to my company induction. It was good to meet up with my fellow Trainees again, and to meet the Sava graduates who joined us for sections of the induction based on company practice and procedure.

We were officially welcomed by a member of our Senior Management Team and received a detailed explanation of the AssocRICS training programme. We also received a ‘warts and all’ presentation of her experience from a recent trainee surveyor which was very insightful and full of top tips. The HR and Learning & Development teams did a great job of explaining all the nuts and bolts of our HR system and what we need to do to maintain our CPD records.


8 October

This morning, we were back in the classroom and still smiling following a nice evening out together last night. Personally, I think this was a cunning ploy to warm us up for the scariest part of our induction ; )  Today, we received presentations from our Health & Safety, PI Claims and Customer Service, Risk & Governance teams. We even met a representative from the RICS who offered some advice and guidance for success. It was good to hear how important our safety and wellbeing is to e.surv and the safety measures in place and the procedures we must follow to help us throughout our career. It’s serious stuff!

9 October

I’ve enjoyed the last two days, but it’s always awesome being at home. I had the pleasure of welcoming my Area Manager, Howard to my home today so he could carry out my Lone Working Risk Assessment alongside my Local Induction. I should add at this stage, I’m also receiving lots and lots of surveying-related deliveries – it’s like an e.surv Christmas! As Trainees, we’ve set up a communications group and we’re all getting very excited about our deliveries. Is that a bit sad? Come on, I’ve wanted this for so long!

10 October

Well, today’s the day I finally get to go out on the road with my mentor! I’ve got all my surveying kit (including my lovely high vis ‘Surveyor’ tabard!) and it’s starting to become very real.

I’ve had a great couple of days of induction with my fellow trainees, meeting senior managers and colleagues from across e.surv. It was so good to hear more about the business, lots of which I didn’t know despite having worked here for a while. There are exciting times ahead and I really can’t wait to get started!

15 October

I’ve been out and about again this morning but I’m taking the time in the afternoons to go through our “compulsory” training modules such as GDPR, Whistleblowing, Competition Law, Anti-Bribery, Lone Working etc. There are quite a few but it’s keeping me busy until I have more knowledge to enable me to help my mentor with his reports in the afternoons.  

17 October

One of the things I was most excited about when I decided to train as a surveyor was visiting a variety of property styles. Today, James (my mentor) and I visited a Cornish Unit. Considering they were built as a short-term solution to the post-war housing shortage, the house wasn’t in bad condition. Only a few issues, but nothing too serious. Surveying is like a social history lesson and there’s so much to learn! 

18 October

It was a lovely sunny day today and I got the chance to indulge my passion for property.

James and I inspected one of these Grade II Listed beauties, built between 1845 and 1850.

I love cellars so I was excited to find that the one we visited had a fantastic vaulted ceiling.

21 October

It’s nearly the end of October already and time is flying!

I’m enjoying it all so much, getting to see all manner of different defects and indeed, some weird and wonderful ideas of erm, “craftmanship”.

Just remind me not to enlist this “craftsman” down to do work at our house…

24 October

Today, we’re back at the training suite in Kettering for round two of our induction. This time, it’s the technical part and we’re all looking forward to getting stuck into the program of formal learning. We had a short field trip before the session as there was some knotweed near the hotel – good to see it at this time of year to give those of us who hadn’t seen it first-hand a chance to identify it.

28 October

When I worked in recruitment, candidates often asked me what equipment surveyors receive. While this picture doesn’t really answer the question, it does show you that you get an awful lot! I should say at this stage that I have a very small car, but I still fit it in…only smarties have the answer! : )

Later that day … I‘ve just arrived home from a really busy day and he email that’s just landed in my inbox has really made me think. It sets the scene for our Study Day on Friday, gives me some reading in preparation for our webinar and for the tasks we’ll be completing. Returning to full-time study should never be undertaken lightly so while I’m looking forward to it, it’s with a degree of trepidation!

30 October

“Seek and ye shall find”. I asked my mentor today to show me a good example of roof spread, just as we were climbing into the car.

Lo and behold, here’s what we found at our next property inspection. How’s that for customer service? He really did deliver!

31 October

In the spirit of all things Halloween, here’s a couple of horrors from my first month on the job – and my end day treat. It is my birthday, after all!

Are you interested in becoming a chartered surveyor?

Here at e.surv Chartered Surveyors, our trainees learn through a combination of “on the job” experience and classroom-based training. Learn more here.

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